Finding New Freelance Income

Photo by fauxels

I sit here nearly three years out from the most prolific, stressful writing years of my entire freelance writing career. From 2020 through much of 2022, I was so busy I had no time to enjoy anything. These days, I have pared down the client list to three trusted, long-term clients who are wonderful to work with. I’m still inching toward retirement, but I can’t quite cut the cord.

But you, freelance writer, you’re not quite ready to call it quits. In fact, you might be just revving up your freelance career. If so, this post is for you.

It’s time to return to my roots a bit, which means giving you guys some of my own methods of finding clients. While not every method works for every writer, there is probably something in the mix that you can do that will help you gain new clients.

Start here:

For the next 30 days, concentrate your efforts on gaining one more client.

When you break it down to just one more client, that seems manageable. For the rest of this month, try to attract one more client. But where to look?


  • Transitioning a skill into a different industry
  • Going higher up in the industry you’re already writing in
  • Interacting with them on social media
  • Adding a new service
  • Trying a different marketing approach
  • Asking for referrals

Ask current clients and magazine editors for referrals.

Actually, I say ask anyone you’re working with in any capacity if they know of anyone who needs solid writing. Magazine editors do get requests from advertisers and interview sources (a few of my best clients came to me that way). Marketing people come in contact with plenty of people in their industry — ask them to let you know if they hear of anything. Could be they’re hiring, but better to frame it as more of a “I’m looking to increase the number of clients I work with — do you know anyone …” request.

Pitch a new publication.

It’s a quick way to stave off the starvation cycle and a very good way to get your name out there to a new batch of subscribers. Do your homework on the magazine, then nail that pitch.

More related reading for you:

1 Top Freelance Switch for Better Clients

Free Advice Friday: Your Freelance Clients, Prospected

31 Days of Freelancing: Finding Client Similarities

Writers, what are some of your best methods for finding new clients?

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